There are rules to life, there will always be rules to life and if you ignore them you're going to make your own life more difficult than it needs to be.
Work smarter not harder. Working hard is just that - working hard.
The only thing it gets you is exhaustion while you're not moving forward on that treadmill.
Working smarter, realising you only know what you know and you don't know what you don't know is true wisdom.
Working smart I understand now doesn't mean that hard work isn't required because it most certainly is. No one who's worth their salt ever got anywhere on a free ride. They worked themselves to the bone to achieve everything they have in life.
Michael Jordan, Venus and Serena William sisters, Kyane West, Howard Schultz, Oprah, Melinda French Gates, Margaret Anne Cargill, S
usan Dell to name a few have all worked tirelessly to achieve everything they have but they also work tirelessly to help others.
You have put in the work to get out of life what you want from it . If you aren't willing to put in the work then let's forget even thinking about getting off the starting blocks. You can't sit and complain life never gave you anything, if you didn't even attempt to put the work in.
That being said, I know more than anyone that sometimes that hard work isn't enough. That all hard work is - is hard work.
Accepting that you don't know everything is important because that not knowing can do one of two things. It can make you seek out knowledge in order to understand a particular area but hopefully it will elevate you to seek out people who are more knowledgeable in order to help fill in the gaps.
Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.
This doesn't just go for your friends but also the people you acquaint yourself with.
So what do I mean by working smarter? Here I am 46 years later finally understanding that for all ideas and 'big dreams' that's all they'll ever be if you don't do something about it! Speaking with people, getting in front of the correct people who can either help, or who are willing to give ideas a mention to anyone that can.
In order create something greater not only for yourself but something that will one day benefit the world around you, it's an impossible journey to do it alone. It's difficult enough to do it with a strong foundation of people around you but everyone there needs to serve a purpose.
Don't ever be afraid of asking those questions, I would never ask in fear of sounding stupid, in fear of being ridiculed and as such I held myself back. I've worked hard for so long and I trust me I a lot further along than a lot of people would give me credit for but I have a lot more to give the world. I just need to be given the chance. Yes this cycling challenge is going to be nothing but hard work. The smart work comes in by speaking with the right people how can help elevate the ride so that I may accomplish the end goal.
That being said if once again the e
ducation system fails at the start of this journey, the hard work becomes just that - hard work. Without mentors, without passion, without that unwavering want to put in that hard work knowing that it will one day pay off, our children will be stuck on the same treadmill trying to get off.