My whole life has been about me proving myself to myself showing myself that I can be just as successful as anyone out there. That being said I have never gravitated to the lime light so me pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing this might just allow me to do what I believe I was always put on this earth to do and that's help as many people as I possibly can.
As I get older that window of success in my eyes is growing narrower because each year is fleeting by and as I look at other Christmas I think to myself what have I accomplished exactly?
I've always had big dreams and big goals but never really had any knowledge of how to implement them, not having a mentor or anyone to really guide me it's been a difficult journey. This cycle isn't just for my growth but what I really want to accomplish is to build schools and help children who haven't had any opportunities handed to them and help them, by showing them how to create the opportunities for themselves.